Call for registration and participation in the classical pilot project seminar phase 1 hosted by EU partners on the Facebook page of the university.
Please visit the link:
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ITC and RUPP have jointly promoted the ASEAN Factori 4.0 project on online newspaper “Fresh News”.
On 19th January 2022, 4 teaching staffs who will join the training phase 1 in EU have join the online training on the ST programming.
On 11 February 2022, the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) in collaboration with JICA organized the OpenHouse program for private companies/institutions in order to introduce the Institute of Technology of Cambodia's laboratory services and facilities to enterprises and to strengthen All kinds of cooperation between the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and private companies/institutions in order to boost the economy in Cambodia.
We have made a poster to present about the center of excellence for automation under the project ASEAN Factori 4.0 private companies/institutions. There was also a lab visit from industries/companies to the center of excellence.